Dividends4Life: Contrarian Dividend Investing Offers the Key to Profiting From Gold and Other Undervalued Assets

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Contrarian dividend investing offers ways to profit from gold and other undervalued assets that currently are out of favor, according to key market forecasters who spoke at the recent FreedomFest conference held in Rapid City, South Dakota. FreedomFest and the concurrent Global Financial Summit were held in that city for the first time and drew record attendance of early 2,800 people who learned about the current outlook for gold stocks and other top contrarian dividend investing strategies right now.

Gold stocks offer a ripe opportunity for investors seeking to buy contrarian investments, said Adrian Day, president of Adrian Day Asset Management, of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The price of gold currently is modest, and its outlook appears strong, Day told FreedomFest attendees during a presentation. Gold miners are making strong free cash flow and the companies have stronger balance sheets than a decade ago, Day added.

Source: Dividend Investor

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