Dividends4Life: 5 Top Dividend Stocks That Pay Monthly Distributions

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Over the past few years, dozens of companies have recognized this cash flow conundrum. So in an effort to support their shareholders, some businesses have started paying out dividends on a monthly basis. This deal presents a win-win scenario. Retirees can better manage their income and expenses. Companies, meanwhile, lock in a loyal base of investors. Of course, I would never recommend investing in a stock just because of its payout schedule. Prospective shareholders still need to dig into the financials to ensure the company can actually fund its payout. But you can find some interesting names among monthly dividend stocks. In the table below, I’ve highlighted five of them. To be clear, this list doesn’t constitute a series of “buy” recommendations. It does, however, provide a great starting point for further research...

The Cushing Renaissance Fund (NYSE:SZC) and Cushing Energy Income (NYSE:SRF) both pay out some of the highest yields around. Main Street Capital Corporation (NYSE:MAIN) has carved out a lucrative niche in the financial industry. Gladstone Land Corp (NASDAQ:LAND) is pretty easy to wrap your head around. Finally, you have a simple story with Realty Income Corp (NYSE:O).

Source: Income Investors

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