Dividends4Life: 3 Dividend Stocks to Buy in November

Dividend Growth Stocks News

3 Dividend Stocks to Buy in November

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, November 21, 2018 | | 0 comments »

SECONDS AFTER CARVING the turkey (or tofurkey, your pick) scores of money-savvy American consumers will cut to the chase known as Black Friday, then Cyber Monday, or for all we know Kitchen Appliance Wednesday, in the name of saving significant wads of cash. But with these pursuits come long lines and a huge cash outlays, too: The more you spend, the less likely you'll come out anything close to ahead. So before elbowing your way down the aisles, consider some gifts that will, as they say, keep on giving. To your portfolio, that is. And if you like, mark the occasion with one of those catchy names, like Stock-ing Stuffer Saturday...

esta notes that a prospective merger between TCPC and BlackRock Capital Investment Corp. (BKCC) has market mavens nervous, since the latter has been "poorly run," as he puts it. Verizon Communications (VZ): Don't miss these misfits. You could call telecom giant Verizon the equivalent of the kid scooping up once-coveted baseball cards no one else wants. Visa (V): Earning extra credit. As the banking industry shifts into overdrive with faster payments, revised credit scoring metrics and artificial intelligence, Visa stands poised to take advantage of all that and more.

Source: US News

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