Dividends4Life: A Warren Buffett Dividend Stock You’ve Never Heard of

Dividend Growth Stocks News

From 1965 to 2016, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.B) delivered an averaged compounded annual return of 20.8%, beating the S&P 500 Index by 11.1% per year. The neat thing is, Buffett didn’t achieve this kind of return by trading the hottest tech stocks. Instead, he focused on owning companies with durable competitive advantages. Some of Buffett’s most successful investments were in blue-chip stocks that also paid a dividend. As a matter of fact, the majority of Berkshire’s current holdings are dividend-paying companies. Today I’m going to show you one of the highest-yielding names in Warren Buffett’s portfolio. It’s a company that you likely haven’t heard of...

The company in question is STORE Capital Corp (NYSE:STOR), a real estate investment trust (REIT) headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. The name “STORE” stands for “Single Tenant Operational Real Estate” and reflects the company’s focus. It is internally managed and has been investing in single-tenant operational real estate for more than 35 years. While STORE Capital has been running its business for decades, it is a relatively new name in the stock market, completing its initial public offering (IPO) in November 2014. The company never really made headlines until this year.

Source: Income Investors

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