Dividends4Life: Beat Volatility: 3 High-Yielding Dividend Stocks with Low Betas

Dividend Growth Stocks News

It’s pretty likely that your portfolio hasn’t had a great start to the year either. 2016 has been a nail biter to say the least, so you may want to protect yourself from the risks associated with the macro economy. Chinese growth concerns, a faltering Euro zone, and falling commodity prices have contributed towards much of the loss in the S&P so far this year. To distance yourself from such risks, you may want to take some initiative. In particular, you will probably want to invest in companies with lower betas as this is a pretty good indicator of how much a stock’s returns go up and down with the market. Companies with higher betas have higher correlations to the market. We don’t want to get caught up in any of the market’s woes.

This isn’t enough though. Low beta stocks tend to have less price fluctuation too, so we probably won’t expect to earn as much on a price-changing basis as a growth stock might. We still want to come away from this rough year with some income, so some high-yielding dividends are especially attractive right now. These three stocks are what we’re looking for when it comes to finding companies with less volatility and higher dividends: Sunoco LP (SUN), W.P. Carey Inc (WPC), Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance Inc (ARI). By combining low betas and high dividends, you give yourself a fair shot at earning sizable returns without bending to the will of the market. - See more at: http://www.zacks.com/stock/news/205352/beat-volatility-3-highyielding-dividend-stocks-with-low-betas#sthash.QoFJDuaR.dpuf

Source: Zacks

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