Dividends4Life: Monthly Dividend Stocks To Snag In 2014

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Monthly Dividend Stocks To Snag In 2014

Posted by D4L | Sunday, January 12, 2014 | | 0 comments »

There has always been one major disconnect with dividend stock investing: most of us pay our bills on a monthly cycle, yet our dividend checks arrive only once per quarter. This can make budgeting a headache and adds an extra level of planning. Sure, a diversified dividend stock portfolio will be comprised of stocks with payment dates spread across the calendar, but your income stream is still generally going to be lumpy and uneven. Monthly payment of dividends would be vastly preferable for most investors.

Several income-focused mutual funds and closed-end funds do, in fact, pay monthly. But most are concentrated in low-yielding bonds, and if you’re like me, you prefer to hand pick the best dividend stocks for both income growth and capital appreciation. There are actually quite a few companies trading today that pay their dividends monthly. Let’s take a look at some of my favorites: I’ll start with a REIT that bills itself as the “Monthly Dividend Company,” Realty Income (O). Next on the list is one of Realty Income’s upstart competitors, American Capital Realty Properties (NASDAQ: ARCP). Speaking of income stocks with high capital gains potential, next on the list are Brazilian banking groups Banco Bradesco and Banco Itau. Returning to U.S. shores, the next monthly-pay stock is Whitestone REIT (WSR), a smaller REIT that specializes in shopping centers.

Source: Forbes

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