Dividends4Life: Dividend Growth Investing 'Is' Total Return Investing

Dividend Growth Stocks News

I recently wrote an article (here) where I discussed my portfolio's returns for 2013. In the article I detailed my returns and expounded on my investing thesis, which is a belief in the merits of dividend growth investing. Over time, I believe dividend growth investing will outperform other investing strategies. I do believe you can make money in the market using various other strategies, but dividend growth investing is the safest, simplest and best for most individual investors.

In response to my article, one commenter made the following statement, "For a pre-retirement portfolio it is completely nonsensical to have any objective other than total return." That comment drew this response from another commenter. "rising dividends and total return tend to go hand in hand. You could look it up." That lively exchange continued with a few more comments, but that sample sums up the debate. One person felt dividend growth investing did not lead to total return and dividend growth investors are misleading pre-retirees, while the other commenter stated dividend growth did lead to solid total returns. What I know to be true for me, is that dividend growth investing has provided me the best and most consistent returns.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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