Dividends4Life: 3 Stocks That Deliver Dividends — Plus Growth

Dividend Growth Stocks News

It would be easy to go through a database of stocks, filter out the five highest-yielding ones, and whip up an article touting their income-generating prowess. However, I’d be doing a great disservice to investors if I did. It’s not always the case, but some companies dole out excessive yields because their stock prices are low or they have failing business models, or both. It’s a great way to lure in dividend-myopic investors who don’t read the fine print about earnings and cash flow.

If you need to generate income, it’s entirely possible to get the best of both worlds: companies that pay steady dividends and deliver growth to boot. Think this is just another too-good-to-be-true story? Think again. Here are three stocks that do just that: CA Technologies (CA) is involved in a rapidly growing and necessary part of IT. It’s called Data Center Infrastructure Management, or DCIM. CTC Media (CTCM) is a small-cap media company has the backing of the Russian government due in part to its owner Yury Kovalchuk’s longtime friendship with President Vladimir Putin. Tompkins Financial (TMP) is a small-cap regional financial company that reeks of long-term performance.

Source: InvestorPlace

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