Dividends4Life: Dividend Growth Investors View Stocks Differently

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Dividend growth investors come in all shapes and sizes. Some invest for total return, others are interested exclusively in the dividends, and many have their eyes on both. Some have a relatively short time frame (say 10-20 years), while others are looking for success over much longer time spans. An investor beginning in her 20s may think of her time frame as 70 years or more. Some want "high yield," but they define that in different ways. Some care more about the rate of the dividend's growth than they do about its yield. Some are interested in low payout ratios, but then debate about whether the ratio should be computed as a portion of earnings, cash flow, or free cash flow; others pay relatively little attention to the payout ratio.

Dividend Growth Investors Generally Care Less about Price
If I were to generalize about dividend growth investors' attitude toward price, I would say that dividend growth investors care less about price, or don't primarily focus on price. I recognize that even that squishy statement is not always true.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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