Dividends4Life: Myths About Dividend Growth Investing

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Myths About Dividend Growth Investing

Posted by D4L | Sunday, March 18, 2012 | | 0 comments »

It is inevitable that some misconceptions about dividend growth investing have sprung up. Here are five prominent "myths" about dividend growth investing, along with my point of view about each one. Disclaimer: Not all dividend growth investors define or utilize the strategy in exactly the same way, so some of my perspectives may be different from theirs, even though we are all following a generally similar strategy. That's fine. There are lots of flavors to dividend growth investing.

Myth #1: The only sensible goal in investing is total return
Myth #2: Dividend growth investors don't care about total return
Myth #3: Income from "selling a few shares" is the same as dividends
Myth #4: Dividend growth investors think they have found a free lunch
Myth #5: Each dividend growth stock must maintain its performance for 30 years

Source: Seeking Alpha

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