Dividends4Life: Big Safe Dividend Stocks That Could Hike Their Payouts

Dividend Growth Stocks News

In 2010 Chuck Carlson of The DRIP Investor newsletter wrote a book for Wiley called “The Little Book of Big Dividends.” The idea of the book was to catch the wave of yield hungry investors looking for relatively safe stocks that would provide steadydividends. Chuck came up with his own formula for finding what he calls Big Safe Dividend (BSD) stocks. These are stocks with strong fundamentals and a history of paying dividends. It’s a good formula but nothing earth shattering about his methodology.

In the most recent issue of the American Association of Individual Investor’s Computerized Investing, they take Chuck’s BSD formula a step further to find a turbo-charged version of these stocks. These are big safe dividend payers that are likely to raise their dividends. This will not only improve investors yield, but could help in the capital gains department as well.

Source: Forbes

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