Dividends4Life: Biggest, Baddest Dividends in the Market

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Biggest, Baddest Dividends in the Market

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, September 13, 2011 | | 0 comments »

Welcome to the third issue of The Big Dividend Report! For new readers, in this series my aim is to check under the hood of the biggest dividends in the market and to keep you updated on the latest and greatest. We will limit ourselves to the biggest 20 dividends coming from companies with at least $2 billion in market cap.

The most interesting (read: potentially alarming) news regards the mortgage REITS here. On Aug. 31, the U.S. regulator sought comment on whether mortgage REITs should lose their tax exemption or their ability to use leverage. The plan seems to be to force them to choose one of two options: become a regular corporation—and get taxed like one—but keep the leverage or lose the leverage and keep the tax exemption.

Source: Motley Fool

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