Dividends4Life: Wealth, Money & Life Carnival - August 2008 Edition

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Welcome to the August 2008 edition of the Wealth, Money and Life carnival! Dividends4Life is proud to be your host this month.

There were well over 100 entries for this edition. However, some were not included because 1.) they did not fit the topic, 2.) the page would not load and when there were more than one submission, I selected the one liked best.

There are a lot of good articles here. Everyone is bound to find several that they like. Authors should link back within the next seven days.

Editors Choice

Save Money presents Three Principles Of Personal Finance posted at How I Save Money.net.

Silicon Valley Blogger presents WaMu Free Checking: The High 3.75% APY May Be Worth A Look posted at The Digerati Life.

MoneyNing presents 7 Reasons Why We Need to Start Budget Tracking Now posted at Money Ning, saying, "Start building that discipline and stay on top of your finances!"

Passive Income Investor presents Monthly Passive Income Finally Breaks The $3,000 Barrier! posted at LIVING OFF DIVIDENDS & PASSIVE INCOME.

FIRE Getters presents Sneaky Credit Card Trick #3 - Late Fees In Minutes posted at FIRE Finance.

Michael Cintolo
presents Lessons for Generation Y posted at The Iconoclast Investor.

Fred Black presents Why Do Smart People Sometimes Find Success So Difficult? posted at Fred Black: Internet Business Blog.


KCLau presents How to Calculate Your Investment Portfolio Return? posted at KCLau's Money Tips.

James Lee presents The Awesome Power of Face to Face Networking posted at Online Business Freedom.

Robert Phillips presents The Speed Imperative posted at CYBERCA$HOLOGY.

Erica Douglass presents Entrepreneurs: Is Extreme Frugality A Waste of Time? posted at erica.biz - Erica Douglass challenges you to change your life! What is holding you back from your dreams?, saying, "Are frugal activities like making your own laundry detergent worth it for entrepreneurs? Includes a formula to help you figure out which frugal activities make the most sense!"

Toni Graybill
presents Wealth - Making It Up As We Go posted at Maximize Health and Wealth, saying, "Creating wealth"

Dividends4Life presents Interest Rates: Things Are Not Always As They Have Been posted at Dividends4Life, saying, "Historically, stock investors cheered when the Fed lowered interest rates. This nearly always would lead to a run up in the stock market. Lately, the Fed has been firing blanks. "


WM Media presents A Step-By-Step Approach To eBay Website Sale Business posted at Website Sales.

Helen Anderson presents 3 Warnings Signs Your Bank May Fail posted at Bankaholic.

Dave presents Save on Gas – Prepaid Gas Card posted at Cheapo Groovo.

Mr Credit Card presents How Does Paying Off A Credit Card Affect Your Credit Score? posted at Ask Mr Credit Card's Blog.

Hustler Moneyblog presents 0% APR Purchases Credit Cards with Cash Back posted at Hustler $$$ Blog.

John Szram presents How I Made Money By Accident! posted at Internet Business Blog By John Szram.

Joe Manausa presents Housing Prices Decline Slightly - A Clear Picture Is Forming posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "While there have been many articles written on the declining real estate market, most are filled with facts and figures that are difficult for the lay-person to follow. This article is filled with easy-to-understand graphs that demonstrate the modest decline in home prices."

Joseph presents How To Save Money On Movies posted at Penny Pinching.

Frederic Premji presents How I Paid $25,000 In Debt Within 18 Months posted at BlogMotivation.com.

Investing Angel presents I Heart Luby’s (LUB) » Free Stock Market Investing Tips posted at Stock Tips, saying, "Author explains his investment in Luby's, a small cap value company."

Christopher Johnson presents Making Money With Amazon.com posted at CoffeeBreakEarnings.com, saying, "Making Money With Amazon.com Affiliate Sales"

Nathalie Lussier presents How I turned a $400 investment into $4,000 in a few hours posted at Billionaire Woman.com, saying, "Earning passive income with only a minimum of upfront time investment."

George Guarini presents How well do you know YOUR bank? posted at Bankers Exchange Services, saying, "How to safely invest more than $100K at one bank using the CDARS program."

Liz presents How To Make MORE During Bad Economic Times posted at Nitro Marketing Blog, saying, "Any time there is a downturn in the economy, there are always great opportunities that rise."

Tammy Powell presents Enlightened Wealth Institute student Tammy Powell » Blog Archive » » Making Money Online: Beware Of Scam posted at Enlightened Wealth Institute student Tammy Powell.

Value Seeker presents Stock Investment Resource: Stock Market Investing Tips - Democrats and Offshore Drilling posted at Stock Investing, saying, "Author discusses the lunacy of the Democratic opposition to offshore drilling."

Yi Hui Chang presents My first time to use a bunch of coupons in Walmart posted at The Simple Wealth.

michelle presents Green Tips to Save Money on Your Bills This Summer posted at InventorSpot.com, saying, "How going green can save you money."

Larry Russell presents Financial Planning Reading List posted at Pasadena Financial Planner.

Chris presents Four Things I?m Doing to Save Money This Week posted at financial reflections, saying, "I'm plugging four very basic but very common holes in my wallet."

The Stock Teacher presents Ouch- CROX Just Taught Me A Lesson posted at Stock Investment, saying, "Author looks back on the lessons he learned from his investment in Crocs."

Livingalmostlarge presents America’s Debt Love Affair posted at LivingAlmostLarge.

Jason Voiovich presents Reverse mortgage: Hero or villain? posted at State of the Brand from Ecra Creative Group :: by Jason Voiovich, saying, "A warning to mortgage brokers (and all of us) to tread carefully into the reverse mortgage world."

Tammy Powell presents Factoring Taxes in Real Estate Investing posted at Majestic Tech by an Enlightened Wealth Institute student.

Lauren Rose presents Tips on How to Teach Your Kids to Save Money posted at No Debt Anymore .org, saying, "The concept of buying something tomorrow instead of today is a difficult concept for kids to master. To encourage your children to save, you may need to exaggerate the benefits for them at first."

Sam presents NEW !! Start a New Small Business. Best New Business Start Up Ideas, Planning, Opportunities. posted at Surfer Sam and Friends, saying, "What will be the next million-dollar idea for a new small business start up? Where will the next big thing come from? Here we take a look at fresh, sizzling ideas for new business start ups.The search for new business ideas is intense, but when a stellar concept takes off, it makes for a great ride."

Thorsten Bonn presents Why You Must Stop Giving Away Your Money… posted at Self Improved Life . com.

Card Blogger presents The Best Credit Cards posted at Credit Card Blog.

The Shark Investor presents Alternative Income: Selling Illustrations, Photos or Videos posted at The Shark Investor.

Joseph presents How To Save Money On Cars posted at Penny Pinching.

Zantor presents Learn How to Think Like a Millionare posted at Internet Productivity.

Jason presents How to Make Your Income More Passive posted at Frugal Dad.


Cindy King presents Web Marketing For International Sales posted at Cindy King.

Gary Evans presents Abundance Is Natural posted at Good To Feel Good.

Anand presents 3 Easy Ways to Change Your Emotional State Instantly posted at Anand Dhillon's Self-Help Blog.

SpiKe presents 6 Tactics For Staying Sane When You Are Unemployed posted at Organize IT.

Mark Russell presents Internet Sweatshops? posted at MarkDRussell.com.

imarketing4s presents The Keys to a Happy Retirement LoanHunt.com posted at LoanHunt.com.

Concerning Kids presents 10 Back to School Safety Tips For Brown Bag Lunches posted at Concerning Kids.

Wanda Grindstaff presents Going from Surviving to Thriving - A Clear Choice posted at Creating Abundant Lifestyles.

Jack S. Keifer presents Why Do You REALLY Want An Internet Business? posted at Jack S. Keifer.

Louise Manning presents Strength or weakness? posted at The Human Imprint.

Mitch Byers presents InterviewRX: Interviewing Insight: Don't Miss the Tipping Point posted at InterviewRX.

NtJS presents Why Do You Not Have A Will? posted at not the jet set, saying, "With life, there is death. Will your assets be divided by your choosing or someone else's?"

P.L. Frederick presents Taking A Stand On Lemonade Stands posted at Small and Big, saying, "Learning to be polite from children and their small businesses. A quick read!"

Benjamin Dinsmore presents 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Asking Your Boss for a Raise posted at Trees Full of Money.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of wealth, money and life using our carnival submission form . Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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  1. P.L. Frederick // August 12, 2008 at 5:14 PM

    Thanks for including my lemonade story! I've added you to my blogroll at Small & Big

  2. Anonymous // August 13, 2008 at 6:10 PM

    Wow I am happy that I made it into the editor's picks. I am stumbling this post.

  3. Anonymous // August 13, 2008 at 6:14 PM

    Lulugal11: You always do a great job!

    Best Wishes,

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