Dividends4Life: Investing Carnival #9

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Investing Carnival #9

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 | | 2 comments »

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the ninth edition of Investing Carnival supported by the members of The Dividend Investing and Value Network (The DIV-Net).

There were quite a few entries for this edition. However, some were not included because 1.) they did not fit the topic, 2.) the page would not load and 3.) when there were more than one submission from the same site, I selected the one liked best.

With so many good articles, everyone is bound to find several that they like. Authors should link back within the next seven days.


David presents Investment Opportunities in Energy Independence posted at Physician Entrepreneur, saying, "Most likely, oil prices will not be going below $60/barrel, and this will encourage continued attention and investment in making America more energy independent. This represents an opportunity both for America, but also for those who invest in this trend. See the full article for details."

Wilfrid presents Are TIPS A Good Investment? posted at Your Finish Rich Plan, saying, "Protection against the ravages of inflation should be an integral part of every investor's long-term strategy"

David Templeton presents Slowing Global Economy And Stronger Dollar A Headwind For U.S. Multinational Firms posted at Disciplined Approach to Investing, saying, "A strong U.S. Dollar will serve as a headwind for U.S multinational companies. Declining oil prices will offset some of this weakness though."

Silicon Valley Blogger presents Mad Money Mayhem For Stock Pickers posted at The Digerati Life.

FIRE Getters presents Want To Be A Millionaire? Follow the YAWN Philosophy posted at FIRE Finance.

Tushar Mathur presents Your Future without Debt! posted at Everything Finance, saying, "There is a lack of financial and investment education in our schools. Here is some advice on investing or saving for retirement."

Living Off Dividends and Passive Income presents Why Jim Rogers Hates Investing in India posted at Living Off Dividends and Passive Income, saying "jim rogers has always favored china over india - now we now why!"

Ye Cheng Yuan presents How to Buy Stocks posted at Qovax, saying "Buy low, sell high. It's obviously good advice. In practice, it's not as easy as it sounds. How do you know tomorrow the price will not drop another 10% or 30% for that matter? If you bought today with all the cash at hand and it drops another 50% tomorrow, no amount of self-kicking would relief the pain inflicted."

Dividend Investing

Dividends4Life presents Updated Dividend Stock Pre-Screen Model posted at Dividends4Life, saying, "My dividend pre-screen stock model has been updated to calculate a target price based on a back-solved yield needed to generate a specified NPV of MMA Differential."

Stock Analyses

Zach Scheidt presents LDK Solar Co., Ltd. (LDK) - A Spark of Light posted at ZachStocks, saying, "LDK had a strong earnings report that coincided with the beginnning of a rebound in the solar energy market. Look for further gains from this stock and many of its peers."

Michael Cintolo presents A Booming Chinese Investment posted at The Iconoclast Investor.

Nurseb911 presents Taking Stock in IGM, Part III: posted at Triaging My Way To Financial Success.

Value Investing

Jae Jun presents Categorizing Your Portfolio posted at Old School Value, saying "A Peter Lynch style of portfolio review and asset allocation."

Steve Alexander
presents MagicDiligence vs. Magic Formula posted at MagicDiligence - Optimizing Joel Greenblatts Value Stock Strategy, saying, "Does MagicDiligence add value to the Magic Formula Investing strategy? A comparison against the raw screens."

Wealth Accumulation

KCLau presents How a medium family can retire comfortably (Real Life Case Study) posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "a success story about a frugal family. If everyone learn to manage cash flow like they do, there will be no financial problem in Malaysia."

AndrewB presents You Think Making More Money or Losing Weight equals happiness? Think Again posted at Personal Hack, saying, "In this article I discuss the relationship between happiness and making more money. I would really appreciate it if you gave it a quick read and left me some feedback in comments, thank you ;)"

Alternative Investments

Giamatti presents Things to consider when you start monetizing your blog posted at Backlink King, saying, "online investment in domain names, easy and cheap"

The Shark Investor presents Growing Assets Almost For Free posted at The Shark Investor, saying, "Can you create assets without investing lots of money?"

The Financial Blogger presents Gold Heading Back To Bottoms? posted at The Financial Blogger, saying "A few weeks ago gold reached the 1000$ milestone. At that time, specialists were predicting 2000$ gold (know of any similar stories… oil?). Since then, the price of gold keeps going down."

-=[The End]=-

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Investing Carnivalusing our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on The DIV-Net's blog carnival index page.

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  1. Anonymous // August 26, 2008 at 10:44 AM


    Thanks for including my article "How to Buy Stocks". Glad to see the carnival getting such good response.

  2. Anonymous // August 26, 2008 at 3:19 PM

    Great list of articles. Thanks for including my post.

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