Dividends4Life: 11% Yielding Value And Growth CEF

Dividend Growth Stocks News

11% Yielding Value And Growth CEF

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, March 16, 2022 | | 0 comments »

Are you a value-oriented income investor or a growth-oriented income investor? Maybe you're a bit of both, like many income investors, looking for attractive income vehicles in a variety of styles. This CEF yields 10.93%, with a 13% 5-year dividend growth rate. It invests in both growth and value stocks.

Liberty All-Star Equity Fund (USA) is a core equity fund which takes a multi-pronged approach to its investments, using 3 value portfolio managers and 2 growth managers with expertise in different slices of the market. With rates due to rise, investors have fled the Tech sector due a lower Net Present Value of future earnings in growth stocks, which directly affects ASG more than USA, since it's a more growth-oriented growth fund than USA. However, both are taking it on the chin in this environment, and it'll probably take a while for them to reverse course. We'll get the 1st Fed rate hike in March, and hopefully there may be some further insights into how many hikes we can expect in 2022.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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