Dividends4Life: 3 Safe Monthly-Paying Dividend Stocks to Buy Amid Rising Volatility

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Amid concerns over rising inflation and tightening monetary policies, investors are becoming jittery, leading to a pullback in the equity market. On Monday, the S&P/TSX Composite Index fell 0.5% and traded over 4% lower than its recent highs. Amid rising volatility, investors can buy the following three safe monthly-yielding dividend stocks to earn stable passive income and strengthen their portfolios.

My first pick would be NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT (TSX:NWH.UN), which owns and operates 190 healthcare properties spread across seven countries. Second on my list would be Keyera (TSX:KEY) , which has outperformed the broader equity markets this year, with returns of 43.5%. Its solid second-quarter performance and rising crude oil prices drove the company’s stock price higher. My final pick would be Pizza Pizza Royalty (TSX:PZA) , which indirectly owns Pizza Pizza and Pizza 73 Rights and Marks’ restaurants. Due to its highly franchised business model and strengthening of its digital channels, the company has returned around 28% this year, outperforming its peers.

Source: Oil and Gas 360

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