Dividends4Life: The Trick Is Buying Before Prices Rise

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The Trick Is Buying Before Prices Rise

Posted by D4L | Monday, March 15, 2021 | | 0 comments »

We’ve consistently incorporated a significant allocation to preferred shares in our portfolio. We could simply hold the positions for income, but we take advantage of trading opportunities as well. Our goal is to maximize total returns and this technique has worked wonderfully. We also trade positions in the mortgage REIT common shares. We find this sector is particularly attractive because it can be so inefficient. Long term, share prices revolve around book value. In the short term, the price-to-book ratios can deviate materially. Simply by understanding that, you can put yourself in a better position.

When investors think it isn’t possible to earn solid returns in preferred shares or mortgage REITs, we politely disagree. The sector has plenty of opportunities, but investors still need to be wary of the risks. We can’t simply reach for yield and hope for the best. When it comes to common shares, we need to be even more vigilant to protect our principal by regularly watching prices and updating estimates for book value and price targets.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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