Dividends4Life: 7 Dividend Stocks That Are Growing Their Payouts

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The fact is that there are many interesting high-yielding companies that have good long-term prospects. Besides, as the markets get more volatile — which is certainly the case now — there will likely be a rotation to more stable stocks. Of course, timing this is no easy feat. But having some level exposure to dividend stocks is a smart way to diversify a portfolio.

So which dividend stocks loo- 

- k good right now? Which are the ones that have been known to keep increasing their payouts — year after year? Well, let’s take a look at seven: John Wiley & Sons (NYSE:JW-A, NYSE:JW-B), Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO), IBM (NYSE:IBM), Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT), McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD), Verizon (NYSE:VZ) and Aflac (NYSE:AFL).

Source: InvestorPlace

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