Dividends4Life: 3 Top-Ranked Dividend Stocks: A Smarter Way to Boost Your Retirement Income

Dividend Growth Stocks News

One way to identify suitable candidates is to look for stocks with an average dividend yield of 3%, and positive average annual dividend growth. Many stocks increase dividends over time, helping to offset the effects of inflation. Here are three dividend-paying stocks retirees should consider for their nest egg portfolio.

Dime (DCOM) is currently shelling out a dividend of $0.14 per share, with a dividend yield of 4.13%. In terms of dividend growth, the company's current annualized dividend of $0.56 is flat compared to last year. Pinnacle West (PNW) is paying out a dividend of 0.78 per share at the moment, with a dividend yield of 3.88%. Taking a look at the company's dividend growth, its current annualized dividend of $3.13 is up 6.1% from last year. Currently paying a dividend of 0.2 per share, Sinclair (SBGI) has a dividend yield of 3.66%.

Source: NASDAQ

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