Dividends4Life: 3 Popular Dividend Stocks That Belong In Your Portfolio

Dividend Growth Stocks News

I use dividend rates and yields as a guide to stock selection. Over the long-term, companies with dividend growth track records have produced attractive, and reliable total returns. These three dividend-paying stocks have high current investor interest. I use a dividend-centric approach concerning the investment potential of each.

For the last five years, the main reason to invest in Ford Motor Company (F) was the attractive dividend yield. On March 19th, Ford announced it was suspending the dividend. In the crisis-induced bear market, the stock price has dropped to around $5.00. Ford is a stock that should quickly pop higher on news that the economy has reopened, and factory workers can go back to their jobs. A resumption of the dividend would give another boost to the share price. Investors don’t often think about Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) as a dividend stock. Yet, this is a company that has increased its dividend for 16 straight years. The bear market has whacked 20% off the AT&T (T) share price. The value drop pushed the yield up from 5.3% to 6.8%.

Source: Stock News

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