Dividends4Life: Ultra-High-Yield Dividend Stocks That Can Make You Rich

Dividend Growth Stocks News

If we've learned anything as investors, it's that market sentiment can shift at the drop of a dime. After shrugging off the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) for months in China, Wall Street came to the realization in mid-February that this was an illness that had serious health and economic implications in our own backyard. Subsequently, we witnessed the S&P 500 log 10 if its 13-biggest single-day point declines (along with its seven-largest single-session point gains) in a span of 24 sessions, beginning Feb. 24, 2020. We also watched in awe as the broad-based index shed over a third of its value in less than five weeks.

A stock that may not exactly be on investors radars (but should be) is Russian telecom giant Mobile TeleSystems (NYSE:MBT). Russia has one of the highest wireless saturation rates in the world, and its currency, the ruble, has proven less than stable at times. Yet, neither of these concerns supersedes the many positives that MTS, as the company is also known, brings to the table. This ultra-high-yield dividend stock that could make investors rich over the long-term is Valero Energy (NYSE:VLO), the largest independent refiner in the United States. If you've been somewhat keeping track of the oil market in 2020, you're probably well aware of why Valero and its refining peers have been beaten down.

Source: Motley Fool

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