Dividends4Life: 3 “Strong Buy” Dividend Stocks Yielding 5% — Or More

Dividend Growth Stocks News

So, stocks are the place to go. But which stocks? While the market is clearly the place to go for strong returns, investors have different priorities when it comes to receiving those returns. You’ll go for different stocks if you're more interested in long-term appreciation than if you want steady income. Today, we’re looking at the steady income side of that equation, and that means dividend stocks. These are the stocks that pay back a steady return of the company’s income to shareholders. Use the money to reinvest, or if your portfolio’s large enough, to live on – the choice is yours. But the trick is finding the high-yielding dividend stocks in the first place.

We start with GAIN Capital Holdings (GCAP), an online trading company based in New Jersey. GAIN offers its customers access to foreign exchange (forex) and contract-for-difference (CFD) trading on the public markets. GAIN has two electronic platforms available for customers to use, the popular MetaTrader 4 platform and the FOREXTrader PRO, GAIN’s proprietary platform. In addition to trading services, GAIN offers advisory services to customers, and access to futures markets. While not a household name, it’s almost certain you have heard of Kontoor’s Brands (KTB) products. In fact, there’s even a pretty good chance you have worn some of them. The company is the owner of Lee and Wrangler jeans, longstanding names in the apparel industry. Operating in the Midland formation, part of West Texas’ Permian Basin, Viper Energy (VNOM) taps into some of the richest oil fields in North America. The company has oil and mineral interests in over 14,000 acres of the formation.

Source: Yahoo Finance

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