Dividends4Life: Small Caps Are Back: Two 8%-11% Yielders Overlooked By The Market

Dividend Growth Stocks News

What's gotten into small caps lately? They had been taking it on the chin in August, but in the last two weeks they've caught a bid from the market. Small cap value leads by a wide margin over cap sizes and styles, rising 7.59% so far in September, vs. 5.51% for total small caps and 3.46% for small-cap growth stocks.

We found two small caps with very attractive yields. One is new to us - Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors (FTAI), and the other is a familiar holding - KNOT Offshore Partners LP (KNOP). Both KNOP and FTAI have gotten the cold shoulder from Mr. Market in 2019 and over the past year. Even though it has a very steady, resilient business model, KNOP got caught up in the negative market sentiment toward many of the higher yielding shipping stocks.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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