Dividends4Life: 11% Yield, Record Earnings, Cash Flow, 150% Distribution Coverage, No K-1

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The yield is 10.95%, with very strong 1.5X coverage. They had yet another record quarter - revenue grew 15%, EBITDA grew ~23%, and DCF rose 26%, second highest ever. It's selling at just under book value. Investors get a 1099 at tax time - no K-1.

Looking for consistency in the high yield space? Then climb aboard KNOT Offshore Partners LP (KNOP), a high-yield vehicle which is a leader in the niche shuttle tanker industry. Another plus for IRA holders - KNOP issues a 1099 at tax time, not a K-1. KNOP had a record 2108, with quarterly records for revenue, EBITDA, and DCF several times, thanks to new assets coming onboard. And this happened while some of its vessels were on scheduled special surveys and drydockings.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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