Dividends4Life: Prospect Capital Corp.: 10.6% Covered Yield And 26% Discount To NAV

Dividend Growth Stocks News

This company presented decent financial results for its first fiscal quarter. The business development company pulled in $0.23/share in net investment income, outearning its cumulative quarterly dividend payout of $0.18/share. Shares are currently priced at a ~26 percent discount to net asset value. An investment in the stock yields 10.6 percent.

Prospect Capital Corp. (PSEC) released a convincing deck of financials for its first fiscal quarter yesterday after the market closed. The business development company once again outearned its dividend with net investment income which improved the company's distribution coverage considerably. Shares continue to sell for a large discount to net asset value, and an investment in Prospect Capital Corp. yields 10.6 percent.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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