Dividends4Life: This Contrarian Investment Opportunity Now Yields 13.4%

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Contrarian investing is not something we usually talk about here at Income Investors. The reason is that contrarian investors tend to go against prevailing market trends to exploit mispricings of stocks, meaning they can only make money when other market participants eventually also realize the mispricings (if those pricings were indeed such). But what if there’s a contrarian investment opportunity that offers an outsized income stream?

I’m talking about Washington Prime Group Inc (NYSE:WPG), a real estate investment trust (REIT) headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. Now, you are probably wondering why a real estate stock is a contrarian investment. Well, the answer can be explained in one word: retail. You see, Washington Prime Group is a mall REIT. The company came into existence in 2014, owning a substantial portfolio of retail properties.

Source: Income Investors

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