Dividends4Life: Buying This 8.1%-Yielding Top-Shelf BDC Is A No-Brainer

Dividend Growth Stocks News

This BDC remains a "Strong Buy". It has a diversified investment portfolio with considerable NII-upside. Shares sell for a premium to net asset value, which I think is justified given the BDC's above-average dividend coverage stats. An investment in the stock yields 8.1 percent.

Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc. (GSBD) is a top-shelf business development company with above-average dividend coverage stats. The business development company relies on a defensively-positioned investment portfolio and has considerable net interest income upside in a rising rate environment. Goldman Sachs BDC easily outearns its dividend with net investment income, and shares continue to sell for a reasonable run-rate NII-multiple. An investment in Goldman Sachs BDC yields 8.1 percent.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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