Dividends4Life: This Beaten-Down Stock Offers a Safe Yield of 15.8%

Dividend Growth Stocks News

This Beaten-Down Stock Offers a Safe Yield of 15.8%

Posted by D4L | Sunday, August 05, 2018 | 0 comments »

In a bloated stock market, going after the hottest tickers won’t get you much in terms of yield. That’s why, for investors looking to boost the returns of their income portfolios, some of the down-and-out stocks could be worth checking out.

Today I’m going to show you an ultra-high yielder that most people have never heard of: American Midstream Partners LP (NYSE:AMID). American Midstream Partners is a master limited partnership (MLP) headquartered in Houston, Texas. It was created in 2009 to own, operate, acquire, and develop a portfolio of midstream energy assets. Through these infrastructure assets, the partnership helps link producers of natural gas, crude oil, natural gas liquids (NGLs), condensate, and specialty chemicals to intermediate and end-use markets.

Source: Income Investors

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