Dividends4Life: 3 High-Yield Dividend Stocks I'd Buy Right Now

Dividend Growth Stocks News

3 High-Yield Dividend Stocks I'd Buy Right Now

Posted by D4L | Saturday, August 11, 2018 | | 0 comments »

Most investors look at high-yield dividend stocks as a source of income. While they certainly provide that, what many investors probably don't know about them is that they're also more likely to outperform the market than their stingier peers and do so with less volatility. It's that lower-risk upside that makes them so appealing to me.

That's why I own several high-yield stocks. However, of that group, three currently stand out as having the greatest probability of delivering market-beating returns from here: Kinder Morgan (NYSE:KMI), Brookfield Property Partners (NASDAQ:BPY), and Crestwood Equity Partners (NYSE:CEQP), Because they're my highest conviction ideas, I'd buy any one of them right now.

Source: Motley Fool

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