Dividends4Life: A 10% Yield, Record Earnings, 1.41X Coverage, No K-1, Selling Near Book Value

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Feeling woozy from the ups and downs of shipping stocks over the past few quarters? The yield is 9.88%, with record 1.55X coverage in Q1 '18, and trailing 1.41X coverage. Record earnings again in Q1 '18 - revenue up 51%, EBITDA up 48%, DCF up 34%, and net income up 57%. It's selling at 1.06 times book value. No K-1 - investors get a 1099 at tax time.

Maybe you should climb aboard KNOT Offshore Partners LP (KNOP), a very stable niche player, that keeps cranking out record earnings every quarter. Revenue and EBITDA - four straight quarterly records, DCF - three out of four quarterly records, and net income - two out of four quarterly records. Four vessels were added to the fleet in 2017.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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