Dividends4Life: 5 Top REITs Yielding Up to 16.8%

Dividend Growth Stocks News

5 Top REITs Yielding Up to 16.8%

Posted by D4L | Thursday, July 26, 2018 | | 0 comments »

Every month, a rent check arrives in my mailbox for a few hundred dollars. These payments have rolled in for years now. And from time to time, they get a little bigger. But do you want to know the best part? I never have to fix broken toilets or chase down money from tenants. Aside from waiting for my money to arrive on the first of each month, I don’t lift a finger. Of course, I’m hinting at my investments in a number of real estate investment trusts (REITs). I have all five REITs, however, on my watchlist...

As longtime readers know, I have promoted a bullish outlook for healthcare stocks to just about anyone who would listen. That’s where trusts like Welltower Inc (NYSE:WELL) and Senior Housing Properties Trust (NASDAQ:SNH) come in. Government Properties Income Trust (NASDAQ:GOV) probably has the best tenant around. Two Harbors Investment Corp (NYSE:TWO) works kind of like an old-fashioned bank. Finally, readers should take a second look at Washington Prime Group Inc (NYSE:WPG).

Source: Income Investors

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