Dividends4Life: Industry Leader Yields 11%, Major Growth Starting In Q2 2018, Industry Turnaround

Dividend Growth Stocks News

This LP yields 11.47% and is 9% below analysts' lowest price target. Demand/supply for its services is very tight and is moving prices higher. It reported record Q1 '18 earnings and closed on a major deal at the start of Q2 '18. Management reissued much higher guidance - EBITDA will grow over 89%, and DCF will grow over 36%.

Ever wonder how natural gas gets pulled out of the ground? Increasingly, compression is a more important part of the operation - the kind of compression supplied by USA Compression Partners LP (USAC), one of our high yield favorites in the oil and gas services industry. USAC is the leading firm in this niche business, providing natural gas compression services under term contracts with customers in the oil and gas industry in the US. It engineers, designs, operates, services, and repairs its compression units and maintains related support inventory and equipment.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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