Dividends4Life: This BDC With A 10.1% Yield And 0.8x NAV Saw Insider Buying Recently

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Insiders at this company have bought shares in the BDC in late December. While stock buys are not as significant as they were in the case of Prospect Capital Corp., its insiders clearly have skin in the game. Shares sell for a 20 percent discount to NAV, and the BDC just slashed its dividend. An investment in the stock yields 10.1 percent.

Insiders at FS Investment Corporation (NYSE:FSIC) have gobbled up shares in the business development company in late December. Insider purchases show income investors that well-informed executives and directors believe the BDC's shares are undervalued. An investment in FS Investment Corporation at today's price point yields 10.1 percent. Insider buys send a strong signal as to how officers and directors feel about a company's value proposition. Executives tend to have unique insights into their companies due to their privileged position with access to company financials. Insider buys, therefore, can show income investors the way and point to where executives see investment value.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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