Dividends4Life: Insiders Are Aggressively Buying Shares Of This 10.7%-Yielding Dividend Dog

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Insiders at this company aggressively scooped up shares in December. Insider buys suggest management views its stock as undervalued, and as a good deal for income investors. Shares are currently priced at a 26 percent discount to NAV. An investment in the stock yields 10.7 percent.

Insiders at Prospect Capital Corp. (PSEC) aggressively bought shares in the business development company in December. The insider buys show that top executives at the company believe that shares are undervalued and that the dividend is safer than most investors today think. Prospect Capital's shares sell for a ~26 percent discount to the last reported Net Asset Value, and throw off a dividend yield of 10.7 percent.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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