Dividends4Life: 2 Risky but Potentially Lucrative Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

2 Risky but Potentially Lucrative Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Thursday, January 25, 2018 | | 0 comments »

"Risky" and "Dividend Stocks" in the same headline might have you scratching your head. High risk isn't a concept that's usually associated with dividend stocks, right? These two dividend stocks face uncertainty, but also sizable opportunity; both are worth keeping an eye on.

Most shareholders think of dividend stocks as belonging to stalwart businesses that provide stable income over time. But General Motors (NYSE:GM) and Cameco Corp. (NYSE:CCJ) offer sizable risk right now -- and the sizable opportunity that comes with it -- all while rewarding investors with a dividend. Here's why you might want to consider them for your portfolio.

Source: Motley Fool

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