Dividends4Life: Should Investors Consider the 12.5% Yield from This Alternative Bank?

Dividend Growth Stocks News

TodayI’m going to show you a high-yield stock that pays 12.5%. Due to the cyclical nature of the business, this stock is not for everyone. But, for those who are willing to take the underlying risk, the double-digit yield offered by this company could be worth considering.

I’m talking about Greenhill & Co., Inc. (NYSE:GHL), an investment bank based in New York City. While the company is relatively small, it does generate a serious amount of business. In the 12-month period through June 30, 2017, Greenhill generated $302.0 million in total revenue.Compared to the bulge bracket firms on Wall Street, Greenhill runs a very small shop; the company has just 378 employees. Moreover, its only business is providing advisory services. There is no trading, underwriting, or loan making at Greenhill.

Source: Income Investors

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