Dividends4Life: A Rock-Solid High Dividend Yield

Dividend Growth Stocks News

A Rock-Solid High Dividend Yield

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, October 31, 2017 | | 0 comments »

One bullish indicator is the actions of the administration, namely when they put their personal wealth towards shares of their own company. When a company insider sells shares, it could be for one of many reasons, such as something simple, like to buy a new car. But when they are buying shares, it tends to mean that they believe the shares should be trading higher very soon.

Over the past year, Crestwood Equity Partners LP (NYSE:CEQP) has seen more buying than selling. In total, net buying amounted to north of $5.0 million, which is quite a large amount. A master limited partnership (MLP), Crestwood develops, acquires, owns, controls, and operates within the energy midstream sector. It is divided into three business segments: Gathering & Processing, Storage & Transportation, and Marketing, Supply & Logistics. It pays a high 9.7% dividend yield.

Source: Income Investors

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