Dividends4Life: The Most Overlooked High-Dividend Stock with a 7.3% Yield

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Boosting Portfolio Return with This High-Yield Stock. Finding high-yield stocks is easy; open a dividend screener, and it automatically shows you the stocks with the highest yields. What’s more difficult, however, is finding high-yield stocks worth owning for income investors.

That’s why Buckeye Partners, L.P. (NYSE:BPL) is one special high-dividend stock. Buckeye Partners owns and operates midstream energy assets such as pipelines and terminals. The partnership’s roots can be traced back to 1886, when The Buckeye Pipe Line Company was incorporated as a subsidiary of the Standard Oil Company. After Standard Oil’s dissolution in 1911, Buckeye became an independent, publicly owned company. Over the years, Buckeye expanded its presence and became one of the largest independent pipeline companies in the country.

Source: Income Investors

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