Dividends4Life: Billionaire Investor Loading Up on This Dividend Stock

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Today’s chart shows our favorite place to find top dividend stocks: hedge fund activists. These shareholders earn big returns by shaking up tired businesses. They push for dividend hikes, spin off non-core assets, and hire new management teams. As we’ve pointed out time after time, investing alongside them can result in handsome profits. One of the dividend stocks in their crosshairs today is...

Whole Foods Market, Inc. (NASDAQ:WFM). Billionaire Barry Rosenstein, though his hedge fund JANA Partners LLC, has quietly built a stake in the natural food retailer. And while investors have dumped shares, you should pay attention for a couple of reasons. (Source: “Activist investors take nearly 9% stake in Whole Foods, push company to consider a sale,” CNBC, April 11, 2017.) First, Rosenstein wants to speed up the company’s turnaround. Rivals have eaten into Whole Foods’ organic grocery business. Management has also reported tighter margins and lower same-store sales.

Source: Income Investor

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