Dividends4Life: The 7 Best Dividend Stocks to Buy for the Second Quarter

Dividend Growth Stocks News

But while the broader market has been exceptionally calm in 2017, there are definitely pockets of value forming, particularly in dividend stocks. Many of the dividend stocks that finished 2016 strongly have been taking their lumps in the first quarter. For instance: Signs that OPEC members are already reneging on their pledge to reduce production have sent the price of crude oil lower and roughed up several high-quality energy stocks, and automakers have also taken a particularly harsh beating, as 2017 auto sales look to be weaker than previously expected. All of this creates potential opportunities for us in the second quarter, as falling prices send dividend yields higher. So today, we’re going to look at seven of the best dividend stocks to buy for the second quarter. I expect all to outpace the market. But the beauty of a dividend strategy is that — even if we’re early — we’re getting paid handsomely to wait. In no particular order...

Oaktree Capital Group LLC (NYSE:OAK) is an alternative investments manager that specializes in distressed debt. Well, with the economy strengthening, there isn’t a lot of distressed debt these days, so OAK has been mostly sitting on its hands and allowing its older funds to season. Main Street Capital Corporation (NYSE:MAIN) makes debt and equity investments in small and middle-market companies. Energy Transfer Equity LP (NYSE:ETE) in the Best Stocks for 2016 contest … and won with a 53% return for the year. Along the same lines, I’d recommend rival pipeline giant Kinder Morgan Inc (NYSE:KMI). I have a vested interest in General Motors Company (NYSE:GM) having a decent second quarter and beyond. It is, after all, my pick in the Best Stocks for 2017 contest. Along the same lines, Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) is an absolute steal among dividend stocks right now. And finally, I’ll leave you with one last dividend dynamo: consumer electronics leader Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL).

Source: InvestorPlace

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