Dividends4Life: A Niche Company That Delivers Best Of Both Worlds Returns

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Cutting-edge and high-yield are not two terms that are heard together often. Cutting-edge conjures up thoughts of growth focused internet or high-tech firms creating novel products and services. High-yield, however, makes one think of stodgy, slow-growing REITs or blue-chip stocks producing a high dividend yield but not much upside. This stock not only yields a high dividend but operates in a little-known, cutting-edge sub-sector. While still in infancy, the liquefied natural gas market is promising in its exports and high demand. What has me most bullish for this company is their focus on the future, showing a true long-term perspective.

The high-yielding, yet high-tech company I am referencing in this sector is the LNG shipping company, Dynagas LNG Partners (DLNG). The Monaco-based company is a growth-oriented limited partnership focused on owning and operating high specification and versatile LNG carriers that are employed on multi-year contracts with international energy companies. Long-term contracts offer the benefit of stable cash flows and high utilization rates. Dynagas's current LNG carrier fleet is optimized for trading flexibility. In addition to conventional trade, a portion of the company's LNG carrier fleet is assigned with Ice Class 1A FS notation, enabling trade in subzero and ice-bound conditions.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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