Dividends4Life: Outperforming High-Dividend Stock Yields 8%, 5 Straight Dividend Hikes, Goes Ex-Dividend This Week

Dividend Growth Stocks News

If you're looking for a place to earn a few shekels while you hide out from this volatile market, you might want to consider this company. This stock has continued to beat the market in the past month, quarter, year and year to date, even as the market pulls back. It yields 7.78%, with Q3 coverage of 1.57x, and strong trailing coverage of 1.39x. It just reported Q3 earnings this week: Net income grew 48%, EBITDA 28% and DCF 34% year to date. Management just guided to nearly 12% distribution growth in 2017.

Enviva Partners LP (NYSE:EVA) is the world's leading producer of wood pellets, a biomass item which is much sought after by foreign utilities due to increasingly demanding carbon emission laws passed in the UK, Europe and Asia. EVA produces these pellets from wood scraps generated in the Southeastern US and is the lowest cost producer in this niche industry. Pellets are also produced in British Columbia, Canada, and Southeast Asia, but, as EVA's management pointed out on today's Q3 2016 earnings call, BC has a limited, declining supply and is more expensive.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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