Dividends4Life: Dividend Stock Yields 18%, Big Growth, Ex-Dividend This Week, Below Book Value

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Looking for high dividend stocks with strong dividend coverage? Our articles have covered a select few firms in the shipping industry, most of which have come sailing back into smooth waters in 2016, after taking on water in 2015. This stock yields 18%, and has a very strong coverage ratio of 1.40x. It has grown Revenue by 55%, Net Income by 90%, and EBITDA by 81% in the most recent 4 quarters. It's selling at only 76% of Book Value.

However, one of these shipping stocks, DHT Holdings (NYSE:DHT), can't seem to convince Mr. Market to don his topsiders and climb aboard. DHT has trailed the market, until the last month. What gives? Unlike most of the shipping stocks we cover, DHT plays in both the long term and the spot rate market. DHT has a fleet of 20 VLCCs (including two under construction) and two Aframaxes. Of the 20 vessels in operation, six of the VLCCs and the two Aframaxes are on fixed rate time charters. It's the fluctuations of the spot market that seem to be making Mr. Market sea sick. DHT has put up strong growth numbers consistently over the past 4 quarters.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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