Dividends4Life: Dividend Stock Yields 12%, Has Strong Revenue And Cash Flow Growth, Below Book Value

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The ongoing Baby Boomer retirement wave seems to be causing a mad dash for dividend income, which figures, with 10,000 U.S. boomers turning 65 each week, you know that there are more than a few boomer retirees trading in their paisley bellbottoms for steady retirement income. This stock yields 12.32%, and has two well-covered dividends, supported by long-term fixed-fee contracts. It just reported Q2 earnings, and grew revenues by 19%, EBITDA by 27% and distributable cash flow by 29%. It's currently selling at only 76% of book value.

One of our favorite high dividend stocks, Dynagas LNG Partners LP (NYSE:DLNG), just reported its Q2 2016 earnings this week, so we thought we would update you on its latest numbers. DLNG offers not just a high-yielding common unit, but it has a 9%-plus-yielding preferred shares, which are actually priced below their $25.00 call value (If you're yawning at this statement, you shouldn't be - solid, below-par preferreds are harder to find than Milli Vanilli tribute albums these days, thanks to receding rate hike fears).

Source: Seeking Alpha

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