Dividends4Life: 4 Dividend Stocks That Would Thrive Under a Donald Trump Presidency

Dividend Growth Stocks News

We will either end up with the first female president in U.S. history or a businessman with absolutely no political background. One thing is for sure, the market will do its best to handicap the winning scenario regardless of who grabs the prize in November. While politics is not an area we take sides on at 24/7 Wall St., we are very interested in the potential outcome, as investors may want to start adjusting their portfolios based on who looks to be leading.

In a new Jefferies research note, top-notch economist David Zervos believes the rise in populism is the most important issue the markets face today. He sees the biggest impact from a Trump win would be a weaker U.S. dollar. That would benefit companies that export goods as a large percentage of their business. We screened our Wall Street research database and found four companies that export a tremendous amount that could be winners in a weaker dollar scenario: Altria Group Inc. (NYSE: MO), Coca-Cola Co. (NYSE: KO), General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE) and McDonald’s Corp. (NYSE: MCD).

Source: Wall St. 24/7

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