Dividends4Life: Why Not Buy This 7% Yielder For A Dividend Growth Portfolio?

Dividend Growth Stocks News

As income investors we want our investments to throw off nice enough dividends so that we can either A. Enjoy life with the extra income, or B. Reinvest the dividends, compound, and build a solid nest egg to live off of in our retirement. This company is a promising healthcare REIT. An investment in it promises growing dividend income over time. This REITs has delivered above-average shareholder returns in the past. An investment in the stock yields ~7 percent.

Income investors would want to look at dividend investments that not only provide them with monthly or quarterly dividend income, but preferably with a growing income stream over the next one, two, or three decades. One such investment that I think has a good shot at delivering consistent (dividend) growth for income investors is Omega Healthcare Investors, Inc. (NYSE:OHI), a ~$6.2 billion healthcare REIT juggernaut worthy of serious attention. Why do I say this?

Source: Seeking Alpha

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