Dividends4Life: 3 Top Buys for Your Dividend-Growth Portfolio

Dividend Growth Stocks News

A couple weeks ago, I showed you a 4-stock dividend portfolio that’s throwing off a gaudy 7.3% yield today. It’s ideal if you’re retired and leaning on your investments to pay the bills. But if you’re looking to grow your nest egg, your best bet is to reinvest your dividends and harness the magic of compounding. Today I’ve got three stocks for you that are perfect for doing just that...

Their average current yield is 3.4%, which is certainly better than the S&P 500’s average of 2.2%. But the real story is how much they’ve boosted their payouts in the last five years: an average rate of 165%, or 33% annualized! And that doesn’t include the huge special dividends one of them has delivered (more on that in a moment): Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (WYN), Packaging Corp of America (PKG) and Best Buy Co Inc (BBY).

Source: InvestorPlace

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