Dividends4Life: 4 Dividend Stocks That Would Survive Any Government Debt Meltdown

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Several indicators point toward another recession happening sooner, rather than later. For starters, the market is historically overvalued. The historical average price-earnings ratio for the S&P 500 is 15.6, and it stands at 24.5. Recessions are more common than many think. The market has suffered recessions every five to seven years on average, and there hasn't been a major recession since the Great Recession, which ended in 2009, so we are due.

Another severe recession could very well cause the government's debt holders to lose faith in Uncle Sam. This could cause a government meltdown. It is important to remember that U.S. stocks aren't the same as the government. Will McDonald's keep selling hamburgers if the government loses credibility? Absolutely. Let's look at four dividend growth stocks that will survive and possibly thrive through the next recession and possible government meltdown:

Source: The Street

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