Dividends4Life: This 13% Yielder Has Flown Under The Radar, But It Should Be On Yours

Dividend Growth Stocks News

This company yields a secure 12.5% and raises come often. The business model is interesting and has proven to be incredibly sustainable. The company is currently undervalued and has the potential for 40% upside. I'm going to try out a new (to me) strategy and try to maximize trading patterns.

Ship Finance International (NYSE:SFL) is not a very heavily followed company here on SA, but it deserves a little more attention. It popped up on my watch list thanks to a podcast put on by Doctor Dividend and DGI Guy. During an episode they were interviewing SA author Tim Plaehn and he mentioned this high yielding company that bought ships and leased them to shippers. He was so passionate about it that I rewound the podcast to listen again and wrote down the ticker. Searching SA turned up just three articles written this year, the most recent by Fun Trading gives a great recap of 2015 and had me sold on the company.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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