Dividends4Life: High Dividend Stock Yields 9%, Has 6 Straight Dividend Hikes, Insiders Are Buying

Dividend Growth Stocks News

How would you like to buy a nice, boring high dividend stock? One that isn't even listed on some of the financial websites? Well, maybe it's not so boring after all, if investing in very well-covered, growing distributions floats your boat. This stock yields 9.4%, and has raised its distributions for 6 straight quarters. It has increased distribution coverage for 3 straight quarters, and had record distribution coverage of 1.5x in Q4 2015. 3 insiders bought this stock in February.

Ciner Resources LP, (NYSE:CINR), is a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Ciner Chemical Corporation, which operates the trona ore mining and soda ash production business of Ciner Wyoming LLC. Ciner Wyoming is one of the largest and lowest cost producers of natural soda ash in the world, serving a global market from its facility in the Green River Basin of Wyoming. The facility has been in operation for more than 50 years, but CINR IPO'd in September 2013.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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